Monday, August 9, 2010

You know what's funny?

I just read the blog post I wrote from the first time I visited Dustin. We weren't dating yet, and that weekend was actually relatively awkward... I had a lot of "Does he like me? Does he not? Oh my gosh- he touched my hand!" types of conversations with myself. Yet of course, I wrote about it in my blog as if it was the perfect weekend, and while it was fun, it was no where near as fun as our weekends are now.

Here's what went down last weekend:

1:35 PM: Leave Sehome Starbucks and get on road.
1:36 PM: See a hitch hiker on the side of the freeway, realize I recognize her, pick her up.
3:23 PM: Drop her off (after some very good and much needed conversations), and begin my drive from Darrington, WA to Salem, OR.
*** As you may notice, the drive with her took me nearly an extra hour and a half, which was fine, but then that put me on a very poorly timed route..
4:19-8:27 PM: Sit. In. Traffic.
10:21 PM: Finally arrived in Salem. My legs hurt from constantly putting the clutch in and out, and my back was tied up in a huge knot.
10:22 PM: Hug Dustin and decide I never want to let go.

8:39 AM: Dustin knocks on my door as I'm blow drying hair. He delivers me my horrendously long Starbucks drink. I fall in love with him again.
10:01 AM: Drive to Roger's Landing and get picked up in a boat by one of his friends. Spend the next five hours tubing, wakeboarding, and roasting hot dogs in the sunshine.
6:13 PM: Go on a bike ride down to the river, just the two of us, and pick delicious blackberries. Laugh till I can't breathe any longer. He lifts me up to get the high berries and I laugh and kick and tears and mascara slide down my cheeks.
8:31 PM: Ride our bikes over to a big, empty field. Watch the sun set and spend some time thanking the Lord for each other, our relationship and the beautiful world we live in. Perfect way to end my evening.

9:27 AM: Walk into church, cross our fingers that Logan Martin is leading worship.
9:29 AM: Discover he's not leading today. Sigh. I guess we'll stay anyway.
10:47 AM- 1:27 PM: Coffee, lunch, antique stores. Check, check, check.
2:01 PM: Put chairs in the river that Dustin lives on, and soak our feet in the cool water.
2:02 PM: Dustin thinks it would be real funny to splash me.
2:03 PM: Dustin begins the attack.
2:03-2:09 PM: Drench each other with cold river water, laugh like a five year old. (See a theme here?)
3:14 PM: Pick more blackberries, eat more blackberries... Mmmm...
5:11 PM: Get on the road. :( Sad goodbyes.

Sigh. We had so much fun. Really, it was fun. We laughed and played for two full days and it was glorious! I miss that little fire-fighting man of mine. Can't wait to see him again!

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