Thursday, May 14, 2009

New York, New York!!

I'm sitting at the computer in the Klein's home. (I'm supposed to be finishing up my homework, but I've been at it for at least an hour and I want a break!) I love it here. It's such a fun city to play in. Kleins, if you're reading this, I just love you. For everyone else out there, I love this family. They have become so dear to me over the last five or so years, and I am so blessed by them! It's been so fun to watch the kids grow up, mature, change interests etc. etc. etc. They are toooo cute.

Anyways, I don't have much to say except that I arrived safe and sound to JFK two nights ago, and since then have been relaxing with Jen and Julie (Jen's best friend) and playing with the munchkins. (Oh- I also read another James Patterson book from start to finish in under 24 hours. Shocker, right?) 

Okay, back to the homework. Dear Bellingham- I miss you. 

1 comment:

Kelsey and Andy said...

Katy We Miss you!!!!!! Wish you were here, we have so much to tell you, when you get a chance you should give us a call so we can chat before you head off on your big adventure!!! Love you, Hope NY is treating you swell, we hear you are getting spoiled!!! :) dont work too hard!