Friday, May 29, 2009

When in Rome...

Hi everyone! We are in beautiful Rome, and we love it! We got off our plane early yesterday morning, hopped on the train and came into the city. We decided to just start walking, with no plan in mind, and it worked! We literally stumbled into St. Mary's and found ourselves staring up at the Sistine Chapel ceiling. It was amazing! We walked all over the city yesterday. We went to the Colosseum and the Roman Forum in the afternoon and made the walk back to our hostel around 4:3o to get ready for bed. We were totally wiped. Hmmm. How to describe our hostel. We left the showers possibly dirtier than when we entered, but it felt nice to cool off in a cold shower. Our neighbors across the courtyard have a very lovely baby with a nice set of lungs. There was a loud knock on our door once we sleeping. I freaked out and made Matt go get the door. Op- no biggie. Just a nice man delivering our breakfast for this morning. :) Matt can sleep through anything, apparently, but I had my ear plugs in and still couldn't get to bed. Everytime someone uses the bathroom, it sounds like Niagra Falls is about to dump itself on our heads. (It's right behind our wall...)
Here I am at the very top of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We don't really know the history behind it, but we know that A.) It's a great workout to get to the top of it and B.) It's an amazing view from up there! This is Matt with the best gelato in the world. Mmm. We're going back tonight. :)

So, so far so good, we love it here but are excited for tomorrow. We are heading out to the Chinque Terre in the morning! Love you all!


Kitty said...

Oh man! I can't believe you guys are really there! Even the hostel is a part of the whole lovely experience! :) Can't wait to see what's next! Love you!

Kelsey and Andy said...

Katy and Matt! Man you dont know how jealous I am right now!!!! ahhhh.... Rome is so beautiful! What did you think about the capital building,with the giant statues on top? (that was my favorite building ha) When you get to the cinque terre, head to a gelato place in Monterroso called Golosone, they have crepes there that you can fill up with your favorite gelato! Have fun you guys and soak it up!!!