Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years

Fabulous year. Another year at Western, new friends, new adventures. I traveled multiple times to New York, went backpacking through five European countries (Italy, France, Ireland, Scotland, England), and also recently made a trip to the Oregon Coast. Most of my time was spent in Bellingham though and I'm happy about that. I've got a new nephew and a huge family that lives here. I am blessed for sure. I continued to lead worship at my church, Hillcrest Chapel, and decided to start leading a Bible study for college women. I've grown a lot this year, and while I've certainly had a significant amount of failures (think Behavioral Neuroscience), it's been mostly uphill. And recently in my prayer times, I've been able to confidently tell the Lord that I'm content. My worship pastor and friend wrote a song called "Home" and one of the lyrics is "Whether to the right or to the left, you'll say 'Go and serve this is the way.' I'll follow you today." That right there seems to be my life motto right now, and I'm loving it. All in all, 2009 was great.

I'm looking forward to becoming a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) this next quarter. I'm taking the class at Bellingham Tech, while taking Biology at Western and a nutrition class online through Bellevue Community College. It's going to be a weird quarter, but it'll be good to get more pre-reqs finished. Hopefully I'll be making more trips, nothing quite as crazy in '09, but Hawaii, more trips to Oregon, and New York are all in store. Oh wait- kidding. I forgot. I'm going to Tuscany in June to nanny, and also to Nantucket. :) I'll be applying to Nursing schools soon, and I'm thrilled. I'll continue my Bible study and also leading worship.

Last year I chose three Fruits of the Spirit to work on. They were kindness, goodness and self control. It was amazing to see God working in me in these areas. I've been thinking and praying about which three to choose for this year, and patience is certainly going to be the first one. I'm not sure which other two I'm going to choose, but I'm still thinking and praying. I love seeing the opportunities God puts in front of me. When I prayed for kindness, I found myself in situations that I had to be choose to be kind.

So for now, patience. More to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's a great way to think about new year's resolutions. I just answered a question today with Ben and it was something like, what was you biggest emotional accomplishment? And my answer was one of the fruits of the Spirit, patience.

I so wasn't thinking that was the case, but after thinking about it...I have seen growth. Pretty neat for you too! Maybe we'll get to sing together in February.