Tuesday, February 23, 2010

it's a good life.

This sucker hasn't been updated in awhile. I'm also pretty sure that 4 out of every 5 posts begins with that statement, or one like it.

Here are some pictures from the last little while:

OH! First off, let me explain a little something. My blog title, "Wait for the Rain," comes from one of my very favorite songs. It's called "Colorless" by Logan Martin. He opened for Shawn McDonald at a concert I was at 4 or 5 years ago, and I just fell in love with him. His voice is amazing. Powerful lyrics, rich harmonies, the lot. It's great.

So, I told Dustin about this Logan Martin fellow awhile ago, and all of the sudden, everything clicked! Logan Martin, too, lives in Salem! (I remember this from reading the insert in his CD.)

Long story short, Daniel, one of D's roommates, is pretty good friends with Logan. So the last time I was in Salem, we arranged to meet up with him! Woo hoo! (Boyfriend and Daniel = 2 points each.)

So fun! (And I got a cute new jacket at Nordy's.) :)

D came up for Valentine's Day weekend, and we had a really good time. We had dinner with Derrick and Kathy (and Eli) on Saturday night, and spent Valentines Day at church, out kayaking on the lake, and then had lunch with the Hills. Then he left at 5 PM and I spent the night sulking. Kidding, it wasn't that horrible, but I'm not so good with the good byes. This is a particularly dweeby picture of us- an insane amount of squinting and big, puffy, orange life jackets. But oh well. We're relatively cute most of the time.

There. That's a decent update. Now I've got to get my scrubs on and get ready for another round of clinicals.


Bec said...

The real story is that you fell in love with Logan's high pitched girly voice when he 'didn't have the girl with him who was supposed to sing that part'...tell the truth Katy.

Katy Robinson said...

Ahh that's SO true! I told Dustin that when we listened to "The Blower's Daughter" last week. Haha I love that you remember that. Gosh. Logan Martin. Marry me please. ;)