Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jesus, Jesus, How I Love Thee

I love Jesus. Gosh.... Yes. I love him. Every Wednesday I go to a worship night at some friends' house. Anywhere between 15 and 35 of us head into the basement where mismatched carpets line the floor, tea lights flicker (to create ambiance, of course), and a single strand of blue Christmas lights stretch across the ceiling. It's perfect. What I love about it is that there aren't any frills. It's just a dark freezing cold room filled with passionate students ready to worship our creator. A couple friends play guitar and we have an overhead projector so we can all follow along. Are you picturing it? Tonight was a great night. It was a good worship set, which always help, and I could just feel the passion. We sang Amazing Grace, a different version than what most are used to, but I absolutely love it. It is such a powerful song, even though I've heard it about a million times before.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.
That saved a wretch like me.
Once was lost but now I'm found,
Once was blind but now I see

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

So powerful. What a blessing it is to be able to serve a God who loves us- a God who wants to save us, and wants us to be free. Free from bondage. Free from slavery. Free from being silenced by fear or anything else.

How sweet it is to be in the presence of a God who is compassionate, strong, courageous, gentle, slow to anger, abounding in love.

Be blessed, my friends, and know that wherever you and whatever your story- there is a God who loves you with a love deeper and more unconditional than your mind can even fathom. As I once read, he loves us to the very core of our beings- and that is something I am dwelling on tonight.

1 comment:

Conne Pursley said...

Beautiful! What a great witness to God's glory Katy!