Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Because I know some of you LOVE to pray...

Umm I lost my camera last night. There are only two places I think it can be, and then just the short distance that we walked in between them. I called both places today, and neither has seen my camera. :( I also called the Edinburgh police station and wasn't able to get through, but I'll try again. (They have a lost property number you can call.) I'm just really frustrated. I never forget things, and I'm always super, super careful with my camera. At this point it's not even so much the camera as it is all the pictures that are on it. 

So please pray that it'll show up. I'm worried that someone took it and isn't going to return it. I don't know. Please just do me a favor and pray that it turns up. Thank you, thank you.


Kitty said...

I'm praying...

Arleen said...

I am too. I checked craigslist in Edinburgh. Post it there.

Kelsey and Andy said...

We are praying too. So sorry Katy it will come up:) Happy thoughts

KAMILLE said...

been praying sweetie!

Katy Robinson said...

Hey everyone-
thank you so much for praying about it!

So far, no good news. :( I've made postings on Craigslist and the local lost and found sites (Thanks Arleen for the idea.)

Hopefully it shows up. Until then, keep the prayers up please!